
This week we read so many books about Gingerbread! Did you know that gingerbread are really fast which makes them really hard to catch! We did notice however that in many of our books a fox was usually clever enough to catch and eat the gingerbread character! So if you would like your little fox to catch their own gingerbread at home here is the recipe we have used in the past here at school, frosting optional:

This week we journaled how we would catch our own gingerbread characters knowing that running never works and did a special project where we thought of great ways to light up the world with kindness:

Went on our a gingerbread number hunt around the school identifying numbers 1-20, completed a letter G gingerbread maze, and decorated paper gingerbread men:

 We worked together to complete gingerbread puzzles and made cardboard gingerbread houses:

But, of course, the best part of the whole week was shaping, smelling, baking, and eating gingerbread cookies! I warned the class that I was in no mood/condition to run after cookies this year so we knew the one thing to prevent our gingerbread from running away was to not peek and it worked!
Such clever foxes!

Gym and fire drill fun:
